Arknights Tier List: Guide to All Operator Rankings

Creating tier lists for Arknights poses a unique challenge due to the diverse situations in which Operators excel. While no tier list can cover every scenario, this guide aims to provide valuable insights based on data, empirical evidence, and player opinions. It’s essential to note that tier lists are not a replacement for game knowledge.

Our tier list is a valuable resource for players aiming to optimize their squad composition for success in various game modes. This guide is regularly updated to keep up with the ever-evolving Arknights meta.

This tier list evaluates Operators at their full development potential, considering end-game content. The rankings are based on an Operator’s overall impact across various modes and content. New players are advised to refer to the New Player Tier List for early-mid gameplay development priorities.

Arknights Tier List: Guide to All Operator Rankings

Ease of Use

Operators are grouped by their Class Archetypes for easy navigation. Advanced filters help users compare Operators based on their utility. It’s important to emphasize that with sufficient skill, any Operator can contribute to clearing “normal” content, encouraging players to develop Operators they personally enjoy.

Collaborative Effort

This tier list is a collective effort by multiple endgame players who contribute to guides and discussions on the website. The tier list is regularly updated to reflect the evolving game meta and new Operator additions.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Latest Additions/Changes
  • Tier List
  • Other Tier Lists
  • Arknights New Player Tier List
  • Arknights Integrated Strategies Tier List
  • Arknights Reroll Tier List and Guide

Understanding the Tier List Philosophy

Creating a tier list for Arknights is challenging due to the situational nature of many Operators. While no tier list can cover all scenarios, this guide focuses on evaluating Operators at their full development potential, considering end-game content. It’s crucial to remember that tier lists should complement, not replace, your in-depth game knowledge.

For new players, we recommend referring to the Arknights New Player Tier List to prioritize early-mid gameplay development. Higher rarity Operators may not always be the most efficient choice, as some lower rarity Operators offer cost-effective early-game development.

Operator Classification and Advanced Filters

Operators are grouped by Class Archetypes for ease of use, and advanced filters are provided to compare Operators based on utility. Our guide includes evaluations on various Archetypes, such as Liberator Guard, Vanguard, Defender, Caster, Sniper, Specialist, and Supporter.

Tier Definitions

  • EX: The truly elite, the best of the best.
  • S+: Highly effective Operators.
  • A, B, C, D: Gradations of Operator Effectiveness.

Latest Additions/Changes

Stay informed about the latest updates and changes to the tier list. Recent updates include the addition of the EX Tier to differentiate power levels among 6 Stars and the introduction of Advanced Filters.

Rank Movements

Check the latest rank movements to stay updated on the shifting meta. Notable changes include Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska moving to S+ Tier and Pozëmka transitioning from EX to S+.

Tier List Highlights

Explore the tier list for insights into Operator rankings and recommendations. Notable Operators like Swire the Elegant Wit, Poncirus, Bryophyta, and others have detailed evaluations providing guidance on their strengths and weaknesses.

Caster Tier List for Arknights


  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


  • Carnelian, Dusk, Ceobe, Eyjafjalla, Ifrit, Mostima
  • Amiya, Lava the Purgatory, Click, Haze, Leizi, Gitano, Iris, Mint
  • Corroserum, Passenger, Skyfire, Greyy, 12F, Tomimi, Leonhardt, Steward
  • Absinthe, Durin, Lava, Beeswax, Nightmare

Guard Tier List for Arknights


  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


  • La Pluma, Blaze, Hellagur, Lappland, Mountain, SilverAsh, Skadi, Specter, Surtr
  • Thorns, Tequila, Ch’en, Pallas, Akafuyu, Amiya (Guard), Astesia, Broca, Cutter, Flamebringer, Flint, Franka, Indra, Savage
  • Tachanka, Sideroca, Mousse, Jackie, Frostleaf, Melantha, Matoimaru, Ayerscape, ‘k, Popukar, Estelle, Utage, Whislash, Arene
  • Dobermann, Swire, Castle-3, Midnight, Conviction, Beehunter

Defender Tier List for Arknights

Defender Tier List for Arknights


  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


  • Eunectes, Mudrock, Nian, Hoshiguma, Blemishine, Saria, Liskarm
  • Ashlock, Nearl, Bison, Hung Asbestos, Blitz, Cuora, Croissant
  • Gummy, Bubble, Dur-Nar, Noir Corne, Heavyrain
  • Matterhorn, Beagle, Cardigan, Spot, Vulcan

Medic Tier List for Arknights


  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


  • Kal’tsit, Ptilopsis, Shining, Warfarin, Tuye
  • Nightingale, Breeze, Silence, Sussurro, Purestream, Whisperain
  • Folinic, Myrrh, Mulberry, Hibiscus, Perfumer
  • Ceylon, Gavial, Ansel, Lancet-2

Specialists Tier List for Arknights


  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


  • Aak, Projekt Red, Weedy, Phantom, Gladiia
  • Cliffheart, Gravel, Jaye, Mizuki, Ethan, Mr. Nothing, Kafka
  • Robin, Frost, Rope, Snowsant, Kirara, Waai Fu
  • Shaw, THRM-EX, FEater, Manticore

Sniper Tier List for Arknights


  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


  • Fiammetta, Rosa, Archetto, Ash, Exusial, Schwarz
  • Pinecone, Blue Poison, Platinum, Provence
  • Ambriel, Meteorite, Toddifons, GreyThroat, Firewatch, Andreana, Aciddrop, Aosta, Executor, Fartooth, W, Rosmontis, Sesa
  • Shirayuki, Vermeil, Catapult, Kroos, Jessica, Meteor, Adnachiel, Rangers

Supporter Tier List for Arknights


  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


  • Angelina, Scene, Skadi the Corrupting Heart
  • Glaucus, Pramanix, Sora, Magallan, Roberta, Shamare
  • Earth spirit, Deepcolor, Podenco, Suzuran
  • Orchid, Tsukinogi, Istina, Mayer

Vanguard Tier List for Arknights


  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


  • Flametail, Saileach, Elysium, Myrtle, Bagpipe
  • Reed, Siege, Saga, Vigna, Zima
  • Beanstalk, Chiave, Courier, Grani, Vanilla
  • Plume, Fang, Scavenger, Texas, Yato

So, there you have it – our Arknights operator tier list for January 2024. Make sure to check back in the future for any meta changes. For more mobile gaming tips and tricks, make sure to check out our guides


Our Arknights Operator Tier List is a collaborative effort by experienced endgame players, constantly updated to reflect the evolving meta. Use this guide as a valuable resource to make informed decisions about Operator development and squad composition. As the game evolves, expect regular updates to keep you ahead of the competition.

Remember, while tier lists provide valuable insights, personal preferences and playstyles also play a crucial role. Feel free to share your opinions and join discussions in the GamePress Discord channel.

Stay tuned for ongoing updates as we continue to evaluate new Archetypes and Operators, ensuring that you have the latest information to enhance your Arknights gaming experience.