If you’re looking for the best Valheim world seed to start your Viking afterlife, this list has got you covered! Valheim is a game about exploring a vast open world with friends and family. Either by foot or by sea, this trip is a memorable one due to the lands you’ll encounter and the enemies you’ll face. The game further encourages this travel by allowing teleport portals to be set up all across the map, connecting your travels with convenient portals.
However, one problem players may face is the way metal is handled. Metal can’t be brought between portals, which means your party will have to carry all they can the entire way home. That’s why finding a good world seed is important! Each of the Valheim world seeds in this list includes a link to the Valheim World Generator website, where you can see the map’s layout for yourself. And the best part? These seeds have all been tested after the Mistlands update, so the recommendations on this list are up to date. So, what are you waiting for? Pick the best Valheim seed for you and start your adventure!

1- New Valheim Valheim Seed

Travel past the Yagluth to the northwest and cross a short area of ocean to find an additional Black Forest biome that may contain the merchant. With the luck of this seed, the correct location for the boss spawn can be found. This seed is available for the Valheim Mistlands update and contains more than one Trader icon, giving players even more choice in the generation of their world.
2- iCq3EHpzva Valheim Seed

Named Smart Spawn, this seed has the merchant on the starting island and plenty of skeleton dungeons to loot for gold. The first 4 bosses are situated close to spawn, making it easier for players to equip themselves and fight.
3- AH8ksLHAuq Valheim Seed

Named Valheim Traditional, this seed spawns players in a meadows forest filled with Eikthyr spawns and not much else. Players will need to make a simple raft to travel to the Elder in the next area. However, the trader is incredibly close to spawning, and players can expect a playthrough filled with adventure and exploration on the ocean.
4- Shockbyte Valheim Seed

This seed grants players access to half the bosses in the game from the comfort of the first island, without the hassle of traveling through plains.
5- Moder Valheim Seed

The iconic boss Moder blesses players’ worlds in this seed, placing many early-game bosses extremely close to spawn. Players will only need to head south throughout the game, with all progression being southward. This seed is similar to the previous one, with the spawn island stretching out to the Trader. The queen lies in wait at the bottom left of the map.
6- SuperSeed Valheim Seed

This seed is incredibly lucky, with the spawn within a 2-minute walk from the Trader. Players can fight both Eikthyr and the Elder without having to run between them.
7- OnlyBosses Valheim Seed

Although not everything is as close as other seeds on this list, players won’t need to travel far to fight each of the individual bosses in the game.
8- CuteHome Valheim Seed

This peaceful seed is perfect for players who are looking to settle down in the meadows, with adorable animals and a cozy home. There are no dangerous biomes in sight, and players can find plenty of beehives for farming needs.
9- HardWorld Valheim Seed

Using this seed, players can easily set up for the first four bosses and have a helpful base location for much of the game. However, once Yagluth is defeated, players will need to travel quite far to find the only Queen spawn locations.
10- PlsBossNow Valheim Seed

This seed starts players on Eikthyr island directly next to the most important island of the entire playthrough, where players will fight Bonemass, The Elder, and other bosses. It is one of the best seeds available.
11- The Boss Hub – Seed: jEkJGcwG3P
The Valheim seed contains multiple charming small islands that offer enjoyable spots to build fortresses. Yet, the major highlight of this seed is the lengthy island situated in the east, which brings all bosses except Eikthyr in a nearby location. With this useful Valheim seed, Yagluth and The Queen are almost like next-door neighbors.
12- Seed: WLQLXdEuki – Spacious Starting Island
In case you’re seeking a serene and spacious starting island, primarily covered by the Meadows biome, then this Valheim world seed is precisely what you need. You’ll come across an Eikthyr Altar, a Maypole, and an abundance of Beehives in close proximity.
13- Seed: Eikthyr – Proximity to Eikthyr
As the name suggests, the Eikthyr Seed generates the initial biome boss, the colossal Eikthyr stag, close to your starting point. This implies that you won’t have to venture far to overcome the Meadows biome. Additionally, this is an extremely convenient seed for veteran Vikings who wish to revisit their first boss battle.
14- Find the Trader – Seed: Haldor1
Locate the trader known as Haldor1 by using the seed code “Haldor1” in Valheim’s world generator. Upon inputting this code, the generator will provide six potential locations for Haldor’s spawn point, allowing you to select the one that suits you best. It is suggested that you consider the trader’s southern location, as it is conveniently located near The Elder’s summoning altar.
15- Straight to the Mistlands – Seed: AMAZING280
By utilizing the seed code “AMAZING280”, you can promptly access the Mistlands in Valheim, as discovered by the Reddit user Eddard_EDW. Upon spawning on a round island featuring a small lake and Eikthyr in the vicinity, your next move should be to head northwest, where a chain of islands awaits. This route will guide you past Haldor, The Elder, Bonemass, Yagluth, and ultimately, to The Queen, the boss of the Mistlands.