DosMovies | Watch Movies & TV Shows Online for Free (Website Overview)

DosMovies (also known as 2Movies) is a social movie network with over 3M monthly visitors where users can share reviews, discuss movies and TV shows, rate them, and have discussions. The site has a database of over 80,000 movies and 10,000 TV show titles, with thousands of forum posts and over 250,000 reviews. You can say it’s a Movies forum like IMDB where users can write reviews and rate any latest released or old movie.

Members of the site can create unlimited playlists, watch lists, and favorite collections, and can easily follow updates for new episodes and receive email notifications about TV show updates. The site also has a schedule for TV shows, allowing users to see what is available to watch and on what date. Users can browse the movie index, add comments and ratings, and view movie popularity statistics.

Additionally, users can share links to streaming sites that host movies, allowing users to watch movies online. The site has a powerful browsing system that allows users to filter movies by various criteria such as year of release, genre, country, and IMDb rating, and sort the results by various factors such as title, views, rating, IMDb rating, and year.

DosMovies also has RSS feeds for the latest updates on movies. As a social platform, every user has a wall where they can create posts, add pictures or videos, add friends, chat privately, and add images to their gallery. The site has flexible privacy settings that allow users to make certain social functions private.

DosMovies | Watch Movies & TV Shows Online for Free

2-Dos Movies Overview

DosMovies is a comprehensive movie and TV show platform that offers a wide range of features and functions for its users. In addition to the extensive database of movies and TV shows, the site also has a variety of tools and resources that allow users to easily find and discover new content. For example, users can use the powerful browsing system to filter movies by various criteria such as year of release, genre, country, and IMDb rating, and sort the results by various factors such as title, views, rating, IMDb rating, and year. This makes it easy for users to find movies that match their interests and preferences.

In addition to the movie and TV show database, DosMovies also offers a range of social features that allow users to connect with each other and share their thoughts and opinions about movies and TV shows. Users can add friends, chat privately, and create posts on their walls, which can include pictures or videos. This makes it easy for users to share their experiences and insights with others on the site.


  • Large database of movies and TV shows, with thousands of reviews and forum posts
  • Wide range of tools and resources for finding and discovering new content, including a powerful browsing system and various filters and sorting options
  • Social features that allow users to connect with each other and share their thoughts and opinions about movies and TV shows
  • Flexible privacy settings that allow users to make certain social functions private
  • Email notifications and an updated schedule for TV shows
  • Option to watch movies online by sharing links to streaming sites


  • Some movies or TV shows may not be available
  • It is possible that some reviews or posts may be biased or misleading
  • As with any online platform, it is important to be cautious about sharing personal information and to use appropriate privacy settings to protect your information.

Final Verdict: DosMovies is a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that offers a wide range of features and functions for movie and TV show enthusiasts. Whether you are looking for a place to find and discover new content, share your thoughts and opinions with others, or simply connect with like-minded individuals, DosMovies has something to offer.

Can I Watch Movies on DosMovies Website?

No, DosMovies doesn’t offer online movie streaming on its platforms, as movies are copyrighted content, and providing any movie on any website without the owner’s permission is against the law. only provides movie reviews with star ratings generated by users on its platform.

Can I Download Movies from

No, there is no direct links to downlaod movies on Dos Movies website, but you will find some movies download links provided by the users in the comments and review section. Using these links you can download the movies on your PC or mobile devices for free.