How are you? is such a simple phrase in English that it almost feels weird to break it down into its individual words. In any other language, these three little words wouldn’t even be worth discussing — but not so in Hindi. The literal translation of how are you in Hindi is “आप कैसे हैं”, or “App Kesy Hain” which sounds more like a riddle than an everyday question. If you want to know how to say how are you in Hindi, we’ve got the answer for you! Read on to find out everything you need to know about this phrase and how to use it properly.

What Does “How Are You” Mean in Hindi?
The literal definition of how are you in Hindi is “App Kesy Ho”. These five words translate to “how many days you have been alive” — which doesn’t make much sense in English, but does in Hindi. In English, people usually say how are you to ask about the person’s general health. In Hindi, the phrase is asking about the person’s age. If you want to say how are you in Hindi, the best translation would be App Kesy Hain? This translates to “how many days have you been alive?” which is a bit awkward in English. Luckily, there are better ways to say how are you in Hindi.
How to Say “How Are You” in Hindi
You can say how are you in Hindi by simply plugging in the words app kesy hain / आप कैसे हैं. This translates to “how many days you have been alive”, which is a pretty straightforward question. If you want to ask the person how they are doing or how their health is, it’s better to use the Hindi words for “how are you”: tumhare shikayat kaisa hai, tumhare ilawa kaisa hai, or kiske shikayat hai. These phrases ask about the person’s health without referring to the person’s age.
3 Ways to Respond to “How Are You” in Hindi
If someone asks you how are you in Hindi, there are several ways to respond: – You can respond with the same question, which is a common way to interact in India. This may sound weird in English, but it’s pretty normal in India. – You can ask the person how they are doing, which is also a normal response in India. – Or you can simply respond with a “fine” or “good” if you don’t want to get too specific.
Why Does Saying “How Are You” in Hindi Sound Weird?
The real problem with the way how are you is said in Hindi is that it doesn’t really make sense in English at all. The literal translation of the phrase is: how many days you have been alive. – The person you’re talking to is probably not going to understand what you’re asking: how many days have they been alive? – And even if they understand the question, they probably won’t know what the answer is supposed to be: how many days have I been alive? How are you supposed to know that? – It’s a really weird question in English, and it makes even less sense in Hindi.
2 More Ways to Say “How Are You” in Hindi
If you want to say how are you in Hindi without confusing the person you’re talking to, there are a few better ways to ask the question. – You can ask the person tumhare shikayat kaisa hai. This translates to “what is your health like?” – If you want to ask if the person is sick, you can ask them tumhare shikayat mein kya hai. This translates to “what is wrong with you?” – If you want to ask about the person’s general health, it’s better to use the words tumhare ilawa kaisa hai. This translates to “how are you feeling?” or “how are you feeling today?”
4 Things To Remember When Saying “How Are You” In Hindi
If you want to say how are you in Hindi without confusing or offending the person you’re talking to, there are a few things you should remember: – Make sure you’re saying how are you in the right context. – Remember that the phrase means “how many days you have been alive” and not “how are you feeling”. – Be prepared to respond to the same question with the same word: kitne samay ho. – If you want to ask about the person’s health, the words you want to use are tumhare shikayat kaisa hai or tumhare ilawa kaisa hai.
So, now you know everything there is to know about how are you in Hindi. You know what the phrase means, how to say it, and how to respond to it. – There are a few ways to say how are you in Hindi, and all of them are better than the literal translation: how are you? – Be careful when you say how are you in Hindi, and you’ll avoid any confusion. You’ll also sound more like a native speaker!