CricPK Apk Download App for Android (Latest Version)

Cricket & Football Live streaming app for android

If you are a fan of Cricket or Football then CrickPK app is for you. CrickPC is a live cricket app that allows you to watch live cricket, football, and many other sports online on your mobile for free. The app has rights to broadcast live streaming for FIFA World Cup and T20 WC 2022. Download and install CricPK app to watch all the FIFA world cup matches live on your android devices for free.

CricPK provides you with high-quality live streaming all over the world, especially in Asia (India, Pakistan, China, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka). From the main screen of the app, you can find and choose many famous Sports channels, e.g. PTV Sports, A Sports, & Ten sports.

Click the download button below to Download CricPK APK file and install it on your android devices by following the installation steps below. You can also install this app on your Windows PC using any android emulator e.g. Gameloop, LDPlayer, or Bluestacks. CricPK Mod free online cricket streaming app can allow you to watch the live streaming without ads.

App Information

App NameCricPK
Package Namecom.CricPK.apk
Size5.2 MB
Latest Version1.1.9
Downloads12, 213
Operating SystemAndroid 5.0 & Above

CricPK APK for Android – Download Link

You are now ready to download CricPK app for free. Here are some installation notes:

How to Install?

💻 Install CricPK APK on Windows PC

  1. After downloading the Drag CricPK.apk file from our site.
  2. Download & install any android emulator e.g. GameloopBluestacks, or LDPlayer on your PC.
  3. Open the emulator on your PC.
  4. Drag the apk file to the emulator window.
  5. Wait for the system to Install the app.
  6. Enjoy using the app.

📱 Install CricPK APK on Android

  1. Download the CricPK apk file.
  2. Open the download folder, and Tap on Apk file to install.
  3. It will ask you to allow permission to install apps from unknown sources.
  4. Open your app permission from the phone setting and allow your phone to install app from an “unknown source”.
  5. Follow the steps on the screen.
  6. Wait for the system to install the apk file on your phone
  7. Enjoy using the App on your Android phone.


As, we don’t encourage users to use Mods apps, Hacking, or cracking apps on their devices. We have shared all the programs and apks, just to help users and developers to learn and do research on their projects. Download or install any software, and mod apps on your personal responsibility. is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by any app downloaded from our site.