It’s never been easier to get information about someone. The internet has made it possible to learn just about anything and this includes what a person is up to. Using online resources properly you can find information about someone’s phone number, address, and general online activity.
If you’ve ever been curious about what your girlfriend does on her phone or where she goes, you’re in the right place. We’ll show you how to track their phone location and even provide you with some tools to find social media profiles and other hidden things. Read on to learn more below.

Can You Track Your Girlfriend’s Phone Location?
You can track your girlfriend’s phone location in a few ways. Apps can be installed on her device to track everything she does or you can use a phone records search tool like There are also other methods to track her phone like court orders or using an app like Snapchat. So, yes, it’s quite possible to track her location if you leverage the right tools.
Is It Legal to Track Your Girlfriend’s Phone Location?
Yes, it’s legal to track your girlfriend’s phone location if you use location-sharing apps or software. For example, she can share her location with you on Apple devices or use an app like Snapchat. That said, you can also use an app that runs in the background of her phone to track her without you noticing. In these cases, it’s not legal unless you have her consent.
Now that you know it’s possible, let’s explore your options.
How to Track Someone’s Phone
Several tools are available to help you track someone’s phone number. You’ll find plenty of apps that you can install and public records search tools. In fact, even IOS has a built-in location traction tool you can share. That said, some methods are better than others.
We will show you the best options below.
1. Location-Sharing Apps
The best way to track your girlfriend’s phone to avoid any legal problems or suspicion is to use a location-sharing app. Couples can download apps like Snapchat or use software that’s built-in to the device, like Apple’s Share My Location feature. There are also other apps available to help you share location. You’ll need her permission if you go this route but it’s a good way to establish trust and avoid trust issues as opposed to installing an app that runs in the background.
Tracking your girlfriend’s phone with an app is a great way to find her exact location but it’s not always the right approach. In fact, you can learn even more about her online and phone activity when you use a proper phone lookup tool. Our favorite phone lookup tool to use is
It’s a simple tool that only requires the person’s phone number. Once you enter their phone number you can open their full report to see information about their phone and online activity.
It’s a simple tool that only requires the person’s phone number. Once you enter their phone number you can open their full report to see information about their phone and online activity.
Some examples of types of information you’ll find when you use Information’s search include:
- Sex offender status
- Email accounts
- Dating profiles
- Social media accounts
- Other phone numbers
This information will make it easier to discover additional information about your girlfriend, especially if you already have her location.
3. Spyware (mSpy)
According to mSpy, installing the app on someone’s phone is like having their phone. When you install the app on their phone and then install it on your device, their data is sent to you. This includes GPS information, call data, messages, email messages, and any other information that’s available on the device. It works by operating in the background, so you don’t have to worry about them running the app.
When using mSpy you can install it on anyone’s device, including your girlfriend. This makes tracking her phone simple if you know the passcode or how to get past. That said, there are some caveats. For example, it’s not legal to install spy software on someone’s device. This means getting caught can result in legal trouble. Also, you might not be able to get past her phone’s security.
Therefore, you’re better off starting with an anonymous phone lookup using
4. Track Your Girlfriend’s Phone Number Today
Tracking anyone’s phone is possible with the tools you have available today. That said, it’s all about what you make of them. If you run a regular search or use a tracking app you might get some information but the only way to find everything is to check someone’s public records with a phone lookup tool. These tools are efficient, fast, and easy to use. Plus, all you need is a phone number to get started.