If you are an old game lover and want to play some nineties games on your Windows PC. Age of Empires The Rise of Roms is one of all time famous strategy games for 90’s kids also known as ROR. This game is much similar to the latest mobile game Cash of Clans. The game is based on the history of famous Roman empires from beginning to demise.
This old PC game was released in a Gold Edition of the Age of Empire series. The story is based on the golden era of the Roman Empires and the final edition was released with the name Definitive Edition.

Why Download Age of Empires: The Rise of Rom from QuoraTV?
As you know the game is not available on the official site, because it’s an abandoned version of the game and is not supported by the developer anymore. We have kept the original untouched version of the Age of Empires Rise of the Rom setup.exe file that you can download from our fast and secure download server and install on your Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP 32-bit and 64-bit operating system. This file is safe to download as we have installed and tested it on our Windows 7 operating system and found it safe to downlaod and play.
Game Information
App Name | Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome |
Genre | Strategy |
Publisher | Microsoft (Ensemble Studios) |
License | Freeware |
Size | 167.1 MB |
Release Date | 1998 |
Rating | 4.5 |
Language | English |
Downloads | 13, 200 |
Operating System | Windows 7, 10, 11, Vista & XP |
The Rise of Rome ROR for Windows PC – Download Link
In the game the player is taken on a journey through time, reliving the conquest of Gaul in England, clashes between Caesar and Pompey, wars between Augustus and Marc-Antony, and the Carthaginian wars/invasion of the Huns. The Roman Empire, the Kingdom of Macedonia, and the cities of Carthage and Palmyra all make their first appearances, inspired by Ancient Rome. It also introduces new technologies, structures, and units like war elephants and camels.

How to Install?
Follow the steps below to install the game on your PC…
- Download and extract Age_of_Empires_Incl_The_Rise_of_Rome_Win_Preinstalled_EN.zip
- Enjoy playing the game!