San Francisco: YouTube has added an option that allows you to easily convert a long video into a one-minute short clip, meaning that even an already uploaded video can be cut into pieces.
A number of websites have also shown screenshots of it titled ‘Edit Into Shorts’. In this way it will be very easy for YouTubers to make short videos while every year one and a half billion users are making long and short videos and uploading them on the site. This is the reason why millions of users were eager for this option which has now been rectified.
Shortcut option includes all necessary editing tools including text, filter and timeline editor. On the other hand, you will be able to add more video to the converted clip, but it will be limited to 60 seconds. While watching the converted video, users can also switch to the original and larger video with one click.
As mentioned earlier, YouTube considered Tik Tok as a conscious competitor and offered several incentives to its users for short videos, including funding. On the other hand, Tik Tokkar is still confused about the money issue from the company and YouTube has also taken advantage of it.