Dubai: A fire broke out in Dragon Mart International City at 4:57 PM, on 31-Aug-2022 Sunday afternoon, a spokesperson of civil defense has reported the fire. Dubai Civil Defence Operations Room had received a call reporting the incident and Fighters rushed to the scene of the incident and controlled the blaze within 10 minutes, without any injuries or deaths reported.
Dubai Civil Defence Operations Room had received a report at 4:57 pm on Sunday reporting a fire broke out in the International City area (at Dragon Mart). Immediately the Rashidiya Fire Station was moved as a first responder and reached the site in five minutes.

It was found that the incident initially involved garbage and three cars, and then spread to the outer wall of the building. Accordingly, the Nad Al Sheba fire station was moved for support.
At 5:17 pm, the field commander confirmed that the fire was under control and cooling operations had begun, without any injuries or deaths reported. The site was then handed over to the competent authorities to complete the investigation. Watch the full video of Fire in Dubai Dragon Mart below.
Video Credit: App Ki Channel