How does my auto policy cover glass breakage?

Glass coverage in car insurance

In order for you to include coverage for glass breakage in your auto insurance policy, you need to purchase at least comprehensive coverage insurance. Basic insurance policies and limited coverage policies do not have this protection. In broad coverage policies, you have options to receive compensation.

How does my auto policy cover glass breakage?

The comprehensive auto insurance coverage policy includes protection against material damage to the insured vehicle. This coverage protects against damages suffered by the vehicle, including the windows, in the event of:

  • Any accident, such as collision or rollover.
  • Due to natural phenomena.
  • Fire, lightning, and explosion, even when they come from outside the car.
  • Acts of malicious people, strikes, and vandalism.

Material damage coverage generally operates with a deductible, that is, it does not protect in case of any damage, only for cases where these exceed the amount called the deductible. Most insurers offer this auto policy with a 5% deductible. This means that for any damage less than or equal to 5% of the price of the vehicle, the insurer will pay nothing.

Within this coverage, the damages suffered by the windows are added to the rest of the car. If there is an amount that exceeds the value of the deductible, that is fully covered by the insurer.

There are options in all insurers to contract the policy with a higher or lower deductible. It can even be zero, which would cover any damage, only those policies are more expensive. If you hire it with a zero deductible, it will cover 100% of what your crystals cost, including the labor required to place them. If you have a deductible, it is most likely that the simple glass breakage does not exceed that value, but in that case, there is another option, which is the specific coverage of glass breakage.

Glass coverage in car insurance Policy

Some comprehensive coverage policies also include what is called glass breakage or simply glass. If it is not included in the comprehensive coverage plan, it can be contracted and added as an additional endorsement. This coverage is almost always offered with a 20% deductible, but this applies to the cost of the glasses that must be replaced. In other words, the insurer will pay 80% of the total cost of repairing the damage.

When this coverage and that of material damage are available, the insured can choose which one to use to repair the damage. The glass coverage covers the following as applicable and is of original installation:

  • Windshield.
  • Medallion.
  • Side glass on doors.
  • Sunroof.
  • Fins
  • Rubbers, hardware, and other parts are used to fix the windows to the car.

In some cases, special mirrors added to the car after it leaves the factory may be covered by another endorsement. Theft protection can also be obtained by endorsement.

The glasses that are not covered are those that are placed outside the car, such as the headlights, the skulls, and the sides.